Thursday, 7 April 2011

Another way into the sport

Do you watch that video and think, I would like to be a part of something like this, but I know I am not the type to be a boxer. Well if so then this is the post for you.

As I have mentioned before, my aim is to try and get you watching boxing or taking part. If you are not the kind of person who feels as though they have the strength and desire to fight inside the ring then maybe a role as a trainer or cut-man could be something for you.

Becoming a boxing trainer can be hard but it’s a career that can lead to lots of money and success. The trainer in the video is Freddie Roach who is one of the greatest boxing trainers ever and he now trains British star Amir Khan. Roach is a highly respected figure and has earnt a lot of money so he is a role model for trainers. Most would say you need previous boxing experience if you want to become a trainer but this is not always the case. If you have a passion for the sport and know enough about it then you could still do a great job. Also it doesn’t matter if you are a man or a woman, with the knowledge and desire anyone can go far.

As a cut-man you don’t really need any boxing experience, it’s more experience of dealing with cuts and having the knowledge to know what to do in a situation when a boxer is cut. This could apply to people who have done medical courses or have even worked as doctors or nurses. Once again just because the role is called ‘cut-man’ this doesn’t mean to say women can’t take part.

Freddie Roach is estimated to have made £15 Million Pounds from boxing training

I bet you are thinking this sounds like a great idea to make some easy money but it’s not that simple, as both jobs require a lot of hard work and time. You first need to become certified which involves taking tests to make sure you have the right skills to help others. It also takes a lot of dedication to do either role because you will be working with a fighter, trying to help them prepare mentally and physically.

My advice if you are interested in any of these roles is to get as much experience as possible. This will only help you get better and will put you in better shape for the tests. Also watch as much boxing as you can, as a vast knowledge will give you even more skills to showcase.

It will take a lot of dedication but if you like the sport enough or get into the sport enough then it is worth a go. Get down to your local boxing gyms to find out more and hopefully I will be seeing more of us Brits getting involved in one way or another.

1 comment:

  1. i have never thought about doing this but after reading how much money you can make, it seems like a good thing to do. i have watched boxing for years but never thought about any of these options, so cheers
